Feeling Hot Hot Hot
Thanks Key and Peele for showing how I feel.
Lately it's been very warm. I guess as soon as we got here, New York had the first heat wave of the summer. I have definitely been around hot weather before, but the humidity is so much higher here that it makes quite a difference. I mean, I knew it would, but experiencing it is something else. I even went out and bought a 2nd air conditioner for our apartment as well as a box fan to try and cool down our furnitureless abode. It sort of worked.
On hot days I literally can't wear makeup because I sweat so much that it melts off pretty immediately when I go outside. I can't wear shorts as I have what all the fashionable ladies call "chub rub" where your thighs create friction when you walk (an amazingly uncomfortable feeling). By the way, my thighs have touched since I took my first steps so that fad is bull as far as I am concerned.
During the hot days I generally change my clothes 2-3 times during the day as they are soaked with sweat if I go outside for even 5 minutes. Waiting on a subway platform is the worst as the heat bounces off the concrete and into your soul, which is also sweating. It's amazing that the thermostat has only been in the 80s; however, experiencing 85% humidity when my skin has yet to figure out how to absorb moisture (thanks Colorado) it feels exactly like 91,000 degrees.
Me and that cool guy I married.
Thankfully, last night it rained pretty heavily giving us some relief. Today was cloudy and much cooler, a welcome reprieve. The husband and I made our way over to Gantry State Park, which is a short train ride away in Long Island City, just south of Astoria. The park is right on the East River where you can see the island of Manhattan and the amazing skyline. My friends Garrett and Damian took me there a few months back while I was visiting and I fell in love.
This is the park that several times a year the sunset will line up with the Manhattan east-west street grid in such a way that the sun sets between the buildings. People call in Manhattanhenge as it happens around the summer solstice. I *think* the next one is in a few days, so I hope we can make it over and the weather is clear. Sounds like a beautiful thing!
Today's view of Manhattan from Gantry Park